Epic Problem - Lines 7" EP (Black)


Epic Problem je kapela ve které hraje Mackie z legendární kapely Blitz. Hrají opravdu super Streetpunk/rock, který p?kn? ąlape. Za poslední dobu jedna z nejlepąích punk kapel co jsem slyąel.

English version:
Epic Problem is a band in which play Mackie from the legendary band Blitz. They play really super streetpunk/rock that nicely going. For the last time one of the best punk bands I've heard.


Strana A/Side A:
1. Lines
2. Deny

Strana B/Side B:
3. Sink
4. Weak

Recenze Backstreet Battalion:
Epic Problem je kapela, která byla zaloľena v roce 2010 ve Velké Británii a toto je jejich t?etí po?in. Na desce najdete ?ty?i songy s jednoslovnými songy Lines, Deny, Sink a Weak. Kapela hraje ve ?ty?ech lidech, ale mají dv? kytary (jednou z nich je Mackie z Blitz). Popravd? musím p?iznat, ľe jsem znal pouze název, ale byl jsem moc zv?davej, co se z toho vyklube. První song Lines je super melodická v?c, která zvukem spíąe neľ anglické kapely p?ipomíná kapely z poza velký louľe. Dvojka Deny to je to samý?st?ední tempo, jemn? zast?enej a jakoby posmutn?lej hlas zp?váka. Trojka Sink je zatím rytmicky nejrychlejąí v?c z desky a je tam pom?rn? zajímavá mezihra s bicími bez ?inel a basovým sólem. Poslední v?c Weak je nejtrvrdąí a taky nejp?ímo?a?ejąí (ľádná vyhrávka nebo tak n?co, jen poctiv? dop?edu hrnutej punk rock). Já v tom slyąím kapely jako t?eba Burning Streets a v?bec Bostonskou ąkolu, Flatfoot 56, nebo t?eba legendu jako Social Distortion. Díky v úvozovkách zast?enýmu a smutnýmu hlasu zp?váka mi to troąku p?ipomíná ąvédy Dims Rebellion (ale bez kláves) a Saturday´s Heroes. Super v?c je, ľe si oba kytaristi a basák vzájemn? vypomáhají ve zp?vu, takľe sbory, spole?né refrény, nebo st?ídání vokál? je naprosto b?ľnou v?cí. Deska vyąla ve 4 barevných provedeních (600 kousk? - modrá, ?erná, bílá a modrá s ?ernými fleky). Uvnit? je papír s psace psanými texty a n?jaká ta fotka. P?íjemný p?ekvapení pro fanouąky melodické a ne p?ílią tvrdé muziky.

Review Backstreet Battalion:
Epic Problem is band which was founded in 2010 in Great Britain and this is their third record. On EP you should listen to four songs called Lines, Deny, Sink and Weak. The band plays in four but they have two guitars (one guitar is Mackie from Blitz). I have to admit that I know just the name but I was quite curious how it will sound. First song Lines has great melody and the sound is more US then English. Second song Deny is quite the same ? middle rhythm and little bit covert and sad vocal of the singer. Third piece Sink has the fastes rhythm and there is quite interesting part with drums without cymbals and bass solo. The last one Weak is most straightforward from the EP (no solo just sincere fast punk rock). In their music I heard influences from bands like Burning Streets and the Boston music school, Flatfoot 56 or legendary Social Distortion. The covert vocal of the singer reminds me Swedish bands like Dims Rebellion (without keyboards) and Saturday´s Heroes. Great thing is that both guitarists are changing in vocals so sing-alongs are quite usual. EP was released in four colours (600 pieces together ? blue, black, white and blue with black splatters). Inside is paper with lyrics written in hand and some photos. Nice surprise and must have for all fans of melodic and not so hard and heavy music.

Review American-Oi:
Altough formed early 2011 I still consider Epic Problem rather new, altough you might recognize ?Mackie? from legendary UK band the Blitz. With other words, Epic Problem might be a young band, the members themself have earned their stripes in the punk scene a long time ago and that is something you hear back in their sound.
Because the four tracks on their new EP ?Lines? are from top notch quality in both music and lyrics. When I started to listen tot his 7? Epic Problem somehow reminded me of a band, but I couldn?t quite place it until I heard the last track, which is a cover of one of the classic songs The Beltones have written called ?Weak?. Just like them Epic Problem doesn?t have your typical ?skinhead? or ?streetpunk? sound but when you listen to ?Lines? you?ll find out that you will easily love this band and their sound, even though you are a skin or streetpunk.
Because if The Beltones have never existed bands like Leatherface, Welt or Off With Their Heads would have come to mind when I have to compare Epic Problem to other bands. But with that being said you?ll still mention Mackie?s Oi! and streetpunk roots in songs such as ?Lines?, ?Deny? and ?Sink? which can make this EP easily be loved by a broad audience of people who are into top quality punkrock music.
?Lines? is released by Longshot Music, Rebellion Records and Rebel Sound and comes into 4 different colors of limited vinyl. It might not be your usual cup of tea, but if you are just slightly into any of the bands I have mentioned in this review you?ll be into Epic Problem as well, that I know for sure!

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 4S2014024
  • Výrobce: Rebellion Records

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Neděle 12. listopad 2023.

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