Concrete - We're all subculture street troopers Digipack CD

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CD verze debut EP "We Are All Reapers Here" od texaské kapely Concrete, které bylo vydáno na 12" tato CD verze obsahuje navíc dva songy z jejich EP "Subculture Street Trooper"

English version:
CD version of the debut EP "We Are All Reapers Here" from Texas band Concrete which was released on 12" This CD version includes two extra songs from their EP "Subculture Street Trooper"

1. Something Out Of Nothing
2. We Are All Reapers Here
3. Gallows
4. Lionheart
5. The Power
6. Subculture Street Trooper
7. Born To Never Lose

Recenze Backstreet Battalion:
Concrete je kapela z amerického státu Texas (konkrétn? z m?sta Austin) a tohle je roząí?ená verze jejich p?tipís?ové desky We Are All Reapers Here, kterou vydal pro m? neznámý label Cadre Records. Nyní se toho chopili Rebellion, Rebel Sound a American Oi! a vydali tohle maxi EP znovu, obohacené o dva songy navíc (Subcluture Street Trooper a Born To Never Lose). Song? je tedy dohromady sedm a hrací ?as cca 20 minut. Hudebn? je to mixka poctivýho americkýho brickwall Oi! a hardcoru (hlavn? teda po zp?vové stránce, protoľe zp?vák má parádní chraplák a celkem dominuje nahrávce) a kapela to do Vás napere hnedka prvním násilným songem Something Out of Nothing. Troąku mi to p?ipomíná Hammer and the Nails a Stormwatch, ovąem je to o dost tvrdąí. Daląí parádní vál je t?ľkotonáľní Lionheart (o tom, ľe jsme tady po?ád a jsme ready a rozhodn? nevymíráme) a The Power, po jejichľ poslechu budete mít pocit, ľe vás p?ejel parní válec nebo buldozer. Daląí songy se jmenují We´Are All Reapers Here (kde mi zp?v v refrénu nevim pro? p?ipomíná gotiku/horror punk Shadow Reichenstein) a Gallows. Kapela má taky hodn? dobrou sólovou kytaru. Kapelu jsem v?bec neznal a musim teda ?íci, ľe m? to celkem dostalo. Kdo má rád tvrdou muziku, tak tohle je p?esn? v?c, kterou ocení. P?es odkaz dole si m?ľete jeąt? objednat to p?vodní maxi EP.

Review Backstreet Battalion:
Concrete is a quite new band from Texas (city of Austin) and this is new version of their five songs maxi EP We Are All Reapers Here released on Cadre Records (which I never heard about). Now it is released by Rebellion, Rebel Sound and American Oi! with two brand new songs (Subcluture Street Trooper and Born To Never Lose). There are together seven songs with circa 20 minutes of playtime. Their music is mixture of typical brickwall Oi! and hard core (mainly the dominating vocal which is really rough and tough) and the band goes really straight to the point with the first song called Something Out of Nothing. It reminds me little bit Hammer and the Nails and Stormwatch but it is harder. Other great songs are Lionheart (about the fact that we are still here and ready to wipe you out) and The Power. After the hearing of these two songs you will feel like run over by steamroller or bulldozer. Other songs are called We´Are All Reapers Here (with vocals similar to gothic/horror punk Shadow Reichenstein) and Gallows. The band has also great solo guitar. I don´t know the band before and I have to say that they are really great. Who likes hard and heavy music will love this. You can order their maxi EP through the link below.

Review American-Oi:
?We Are All Reapers Here?, Concrete?s debut 12? EP that came out last year blew me away! It was one of the rawest Oi! records I had heard in a while and I realized right from the start I had something unique laying on my recordplayer. Not only because only 250 copies of this old school 12? maxi EP were pressed, but also the band?s sound was something I hadn?t heard in a while! I ended with my review of ?We Are All Reapers Here? with the sentence; ?I wouldn?t be surprised that this record got a 2nd pressing or gets picked up by one of the bigger European labels out there for a European / worldwide deal, because this release is fuckin? killer!!!?
And well, I was right in some way. When I heard the band was looking for a recordlabel to release their new 7? EP ?Subculture Street Trooper? I contacted Wouter from Rebellion Records straight away and asked if he was interested in putting it out, he was and he was also interested in doing a limited pressing of the ?We Are All Reapers Here? 12? on CD, so to make this story short, the 7? ?Subculture Street Trooper? and the CD ?We Are All Subculture Street Troopers? (can you guess what?s on it?) are about to be released! At first I had my doubts if I should review this because these Rebellion Releases are a co-production between Rebel Sound (the 7?) and American Oi! Records (yeah that?s us, for both the 7? and CD), but I consider myself more of a fan before anything else, so fuck it, here I am writing this review!
As said the ?Subculture Street Trooper? 7? contains two brand new tracks by Concrete and again these guys are rippin? up the piece of wax it?s pressed on. Both the title track and the B-side ?Born To Never Lose? sound harder than any nail out there and are an explosive mix of brickwall Oi! music streetrock. Bands like Battle Ruins and Hammer And The Nails come to mind while listening to Concrete with the only exception these guys have a more of a hardcore edge to it. ?Subculture Street Trooper? starts of slow and vicious, it explodes into a straight up street fight in the middle of the song while ?Born To Never Lose? takes no prisoners and is violent from the start! Love it!
?We Are All Subculture Street Troopers? contains both the out of print 12? and 7? EP?s with a combined title, and the artwork of the 12? being done in the style of the 7?. The total ammount of tracks on this CD is seven, but since I just wrote about the two new songs and already reviewed the 12? HERE I?ll just leave it at that this release is still ?fuckin? killer!!!?, but it just got better with the addition of the two new songs. Must-have for anyone who loves their Oi! music raw, tough and violent!

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 4S2014056
  • Výrobce: Rebellion Records

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Úterý 01. duben 2014.

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