Last Crusade - s/t CD

325,00K?  200,00K?
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01. One Of Us
02. Sick Society
03. Morally Bankrupt
04. Vengeance
05. Who The Fuck Are You (Subway Thugs) 
06. Looking Back
07 Nowhere To Go
08. Deadbeat
09. Survive
10. Cycle of terror (bonustrack)

Recenze Backstreet Battalion:
Po EP verzi jejich dema vydává tahle kapela se sídlem ve Velké Británii plné album. Kytarista a zp?vák Karl se odst?hoval zpátky do Kanady, takľe toto je vlastn? bohuľel jakési posmrtné album. Album obsahuje celkem 9 song?, z ?ehoľ Morally Bankrupt a Deadbeat znáte z EPka, potom je tady cover od Kanadských Subway Thugs (Who the Fuck Are You). CD verze alba obsahuje jeąt? navíc bonus song Cycle of Terror, který je taky z EPka. Takľe celkem 7 nových v?cí. LP vyjde 700 kousk? (300 ?erných, 300 ?ervených, 100 bílých ? pr?svitných a k tomu 40 testpress?). Song Nowhere to Go si m?ľete poslechnout na Songy jedou v p?eváľn? st?edním tempu s kytarou lehce zbrouąenou boosterem a do toho druhá kytara hraje svoje vyhrávky a zní hromadný zp?v refrén? a ?ástí slok. Vąechno je v dokonalé rovnováze. Nutno ?íci, ľe cover od Subway Thugs (coľ je mimochodem kapel zp?váka z Alternate Action a Bishop´s Green) jim k jejich muzice sedí jak prdel na hrnec. Dále Vám to ur?it? p?ipomene Templars (hlavn? teda druhej song Sick Society) a zp?vem mi to chvílemi p?ipomíná Skint (respektive Plan of Attack). To hlavn? v posledním songu Survive nebo v Morally Bankrupt. Najdete tu i Looking Back s pomalejąím za?átkem, o které budete p?esv?d?eni, ľe jste jí uľ n?kde zákonit? museli slyąet. Stopáľ alba je akurátní a songy neza?nou nudit ba naopak a album spíąe pustíte jeąt? jednou. Ostatní songy se jmenují One of Us a Vengeance. Cover alba je podobný EPku ? fotka ?len? kapely. O vnit?ku nic nevím, protoľe mám jen digitální kopii, ale pouątim si jí uľ pon?kolikáté za sebou a stále nemám dost. ©koda toho rozpadu. Jinak paráda.

Review Backstreet Battalion:
After their demo released as EP comes this Britain based band with their full album. Guitarist and singer Karl have to move back to Canada so it is some kind of pos mortem album. It contains 9 songs and you may know Morally Bankrupt and Deadbeat from their debut EP plus there is also cover version from Subway Thugs (Who the Fuck Are You). CD version of the album contains also bonus song Cycle of Terror which is also from EP. So it means 7 new songs. LP will be limited to 700 copies (300 black, 300 red, 100 milky clear plus 40 testpressings). You may listen to song Nowhere to Go on Songs are in middle rhythm with lightly boostered guitar and second guitar plays her solos. To this you may add singalong refrains and strophes parts. Everything is equally balanced. I have to say that Subway Thugs cover (which was the band of Alternate Action´s and Bishop´s Green singer) fits well to their music. Musically it reminds me Templars (mainly in the second piece Sick Society) and vocals are similar to Skint (or Plan of Attack). Mainly in the last song Survive or in Morally Bankrupt. There is also song Looking Back with slower start which has great melody and it convince you that you heard it somewhere before. Playtime is OK and the songs are not get boring but they force you to play them again. Other songs are One of Us and Vengeance. Cover is similr to EP ? bnd photo and I have no info about inside because I have just digital copy but I´m listening to it again and again. Sad thing is that they broke up because this is great.

Review American Oi:
With guitarist / vocalist Karl?s recent move back to his homeland Canada, Last Crusade?s story abruptly came to an end. An absolute shocker, not that because I don?t wish Karl all the best of luck in the world, but mainly because us Oi! fanatics lost one of the best up and coming bands that recently emerged out of the British scene! But one thing is for sure, these lads go out with an absolute bang with their first, and therefor most likely last, self-titled full-length album!
If you though the demo EP from this hungry pack of skins impressed, just wait until you get a load of the nine tracks (ten if you pick up the CD version) that are featured on this album! Massive is without a doubt the right for this record, that will definitely wind up as my favorite Oi! album of the year, simply because it is perfect. Not in an over-produced, too poppy kind of perfect, but as in an all pieces of the puzzle perfectly fitting in together kind of perfect.
From the raw, multiple band members' vocals, the razor sharp solos, the sublimely clean guitar sound, the pumping rhythm section, the superb choruses, the lyrics? everything you want it?s all right here! Especially if you are into the likes of bands such as The Templars and early Perkele or French outfits like Warrior Kids and Snix, you will be playing this absolute superb record over and over again, mark my words!
Six new tracks, two re-recorded tracks from the demo (?Morally Bankrupt? and ?Deadbeat?) and the Subway Thugs cover ?Who The Fuck Are You?? (and if you pick up the CD-version you get ?Cycle Of Terror? of the demo as a bonus track) were all it took to create this modern day classic. Now that I finish this review up I realize I am absolutely gutted about the fact that this band was forced due logistical issues to break up, but what remains is a legacy that will frequently on my turntable for many years to come. Get this. Now!

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 2024287 - Inventura 2024 CDBox#1
  • Výrobce: Rebellion Records

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Středa 21. únor 2024.

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