F.A.V.L. - Damned Streets 7" EP (Black)


Nové EP italské Oi! kapely F.A.V.L. Tentokrát zpívané anglicky.

English version:

New EP from Italian tough Oi! band F.A.V.L.


Strana A/Side A: 
1. Damned Streets 3:39 
2. My Country 3:52

Strana B/Side B: 
3. No Regrets 3:44 
4. Strutter 2:28

Pressing info: 
10x testpress 
200 black vinyl 
100 bronze vinyl

Recenze Backstreet Battalion: 
Daląí vinyl od Italských FAVL vychází na Vinyl 4 Bootboys a jmenuje se Damned Streets. Oproti p?edchozím po?in?m se kapela rozhodla nazpívat vąechny ?ty?i písn? anglicky. Songy se jmenují Damned Streets, My Country, No Regrets a poslední Strutter je cover od Kissák?. FAVL hrají ve standardní ?ty??lenné sestav?. Titulka Damned Streets je o tom, jak se doty?ní naąli v pouli?ním ľivot? a o tom, ľe nehrají pro slávu, dvojka My Country je plivanec na vąechny banké?e, politiky a evropskou unii, kte?í zruinovali kdysi slavnou krajinu a zaslouľí si maimáln? provaz, No Regrets je pak o tom, nelitovat, ľe se ?lov?k kdy stal skinheadem. Strutter je zarhán o dost tvrd?ji neľ originál (ale sólo je stejn? p?esv?d?ivé). V?bec sólová kytara je ve vąech ?ty?ech válech parádní (a m?ľe za to pravd?podobn? nový kytarista, kterj podle vizáľe bude rocker/metloą jak kjáva). Kapela op?t dokazuje, ľe italské kapely nemusí znít vąechny jako p?es kopírák (i kdyľ nádherný kopírák), ale italątina mi k nim sedne o n?co více. Hudebn? to hodn? p?ipomíná ąpan?lské Glory Boys. Nejvíce se mi ur?it? líbí druhej vál My Country, s parádn? halekácím refrénem ?We want capital punishment for those who killed my country, no one cane také away our love for the green, white and red?. Uvnit? p?kn? ud?laného obalu jsou texty (krom? coveru), krátka d?kova?ka, kontakt na bandu a koláľ z fotek. Deska vychází ve 300 kopiích (200 ?erných a 100 bronzových). Zatím asi nejtvrdąí v?c co kapela vydala, ale mn? se víc líbila ta italątina.

Review Backstreet Battalion: 
Next EP from Italian band FAVL comes out on Vinyl 4 Bootboys and it is called Damned Streets. Compared to previous albums they decide to sing in English and their songs are called Damned Streets, My Country, No Regrets and the last one Strutter is cover from KISS. FAVL plays in standard four piece line up. Title song Damned Streets is about the band which finds itself in street life and the fact that they are not playing for fame. Second My Country is a spit to the face to all bankers, politicians and EU which ruined famous country and they deserved just rope. No Regrets is about not regretting the fact that you become a skinhead. Strutter is played harder than the original version but the solo is really convincing. The solo guitar is dominant in all four songs (and I think the new guitarist is responsible for that because according to his visage he is metalhead/rocker as fuck). This band proves that not every Italian band should sounds the same as other (even the sound is great) but I think that Italian language fits more to them. Musically it reminds me Glory Boys from Spain and most of all I like their second song My Country with great singalong ?We want capital punishment for those who killed my country, no one can take away our love for the green, white and red?. Inside the cover are lyrics (except cover), short thankslist, band contact and collage from photos. EP is limited to 300 copies (200 black and 100 bronze) and I think this is their hardest think they´ve ever released.

Review American-Oi: 
Although Vinyl 4 Bootboys is still a rather new label releases just keep rolling off the presses! In a short time I already reviewed their first and second (The Pillage 7? and Drink And Destroy Crew 10?) releases and now the third one is here! This time our friends from the Czech Republic released the new 7? EP from Italian band F.A.V.L. which makes this the third review of this band within a year on our site, F.T.T.W.! 

But unlike the band?s previous releases that were 100% in the Italian language, F.A.V.L. decided to do four new songs in English. When I first heard about this I was a bit sceptic, I just love bands sing in their native tongue and I was a bit worried about having to put up with a heavy accent, but I was worried for nothing, because yet again these guys deliver another release that is more than good! 

Like I said ?Damned Streets? contains four brand new tracks and besides the title track there?s also ?My Country?, ?No Regrets? and ?Strutter? which is a coversong originally by Kiss. Like the subtitle under the band name says these guys play tough Italian Oi!, and true these guys sound tough, but on ?Damned Streets? there?s also still a lot of room for melody, catchy sing-a-long choruses and awesome guitarwork! 

These guys sure know how to play and with all songs in English they might expand their fanbase even more outside of Italy! If you liked what I wrote about F.A.V.L. in the past but you mind the language barrier now is your chance, because in a short amount of time these guys proved to be one of the top bands coming out of Italy these days!

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 4S2014027
  • Výrobce: Vinyl4Bootboys Records

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Neděle 19. listopad 2023.

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