Sabotage -Faderskap I Gråzonen Digipack CD (Sealed)

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Tracklist CD: 
1 Blå Linjen Blues 3:02 
2 Skitsnacksexcess 2:45 
3 Ideologisk Ambivalens 3:00 
4 Vid Vägens Slut 3:12 
5 Kanske Ljuset 2:59 
6 Mitt Barn 3:34 
7 When Odin Calls 3:18

Recenze  Backstreet Battalion: 
©védské Sabotage m?ľete znát minimáln? z recenze a rozhovoru, které najdete tady na BB. Po jejich t?ísongovém debutovém EP se p?vodn? studiový projekt stal regulérní kapelou, a na Pretty Shitty Kjell festivalu odehráli sv?j debutový koncert. Daląí v?c, která jim vychází na jejich domácím labelu je ąestisongové 12´´ EP s názvem Faderskap i gråzonen. Mezi ąesti písn?mi je i jeden cover od The Templars se ąvédským textem (Kanske Ljuset). Názvy song? by se dali p?eloľit t?eba jako Blues modrých ?ar (hnedka první song, ve kterém uslyąíte klávesy), Skitnsnackexcess (coľ se nedá asi dost dob?e p?eloľit), Ideologická rozpolcenost (o tom, jak se ?v mlze ideologické rozpolcenosti t?ľce hledá skute?ný problém, který nás pálí?), Kde cesta kon?í, potom n?co se Sv?tlem (to je ten cover od Templars a tady jsou slyąet klávesy také) a Moje d?ti. Celá deska se nese v pohodovém rytmu kytary (i sólí?ka, t?eba parádní v posledním songu Mitt Barn) a v?tąinou se nikam nesp?chá a deska vám navodí parádní náladu a to i p?es to, ľe v?tąina lidí asi ąvédsky neumí. Taky je tady hodn? pasáľí, kde se brnkne do kytary a nechá se doznít za stejného rytmu bicích (který je mimochodem super a je vid?t, ľe Matte si se ąkopkama vysloven? hraje). Nejpoveden?jąí se mi zdá song Vid Vägans Slut (která mi p?ijde svojí vyhrávkou a úst?edním riffem troąku do viking rocku) a potom Skitsnacksexcess. Celé mi to p?ipomíná hodn? jejich kolegy Gatans Lag a album Från Fest Till Arrest nebo mé oblíbence z Dims Rebellion. Aby také ne, kdyľ práv? klávesy nahrával jejich ex-?len Johann. Uvnit? najdete obal na desku s texty a vínovou grafikou ve stylu jejich debutového EP. Obal je analogický k první desce (hlava grifa), akorát pozadí je maská?ový. Komu se líbil jejich první po?in, tak toto bude mít rád také, protoľe je to na stejné úrovni, akorát 2x deląí, takľe hodnocení, jako minule. A d?kuju za zmín?ný BB v d?kova?ce.

Review Backstreet Battalion: 
You may know Swedish band Sabotage from previous review and interview on BB. After their three songs EP they became regular band instead of studio project and they have played their first gig on Pretty Shitty Kjell festival. This is their next release which is coming out on their home label as 12´´ Ep called Faderskap i gråzonen. In those six songs you may find The Templars cover with Swedish lyrics (Kanske Ljuset). Other songs can be translated like Blue Lines Blues, (the first song with keyboards), Skitnsnackexcess (which is untranslateable for me), Ideological ambivalence (with great refrain ?in the mist of ideological ambivalence the problem you are searching for is lost?), Where the Road Ends, then something about Light (Templars cover with keyboards again) and My Children. Whole LP is in nice and fresh guitar rhythms (also solos like in the last one Mitt Barn) and it puts you into nice mood in spite of the fact that not everyone understands the Swedish lyrics. Also there are many passages with drums without guitar tunes and the drum section is also great and you may feel that Matte is enjoying playing. I really like songs like Vid Vägans Slut (which sounds like viking rock to me due to main solo and guitar riff) and Skitsnacksexcess. Whole album reminds me their colleagues from Gatans Lag and their album Från Fest Till Arrest or my favourite band from Sweden Dims Rebellion. Their ex-member Johann is behind the keyboards in this record. Inside is cover with purple graphics like on their debut EP (griffinss head). Cover is done also in the same way (griffins head) but the background is in camo colours. Who likes their debut will like this also because it is on the same level but 2x longer. And thanks for shout out in thankslist!

Review American Oi: 
Last year the latest Swedish Oi! outfit Sabotage, featuring members of other Swedish acts such as Contemptuous, Antipati, The Righteous, Vindicate This! and Agent Bulldog, debuted with the great ?Betraktelser Från Staktet? 7? EP on Pretty Shitty Town Records, so I didn?t have to think twice when I was asked to review their brand new EP ?Faderskap I Gråzonen?. Believing I would receive another 7?, I was pleasantly surprised when the mailman delivered a beautiful looking 12? maxi-EP on green vinyl with reddish/brown splatter! 

This means twice the fun compared to their debut EP, that featured three songs, with a total of six brand new tracks of Swedish Oi! with a twist. Because if you look at the list of bands Sabotage?s members have played, or are still playing, in, you instantly know that these guys can do the job and they do their jobs well. With that classic clean sound and the Swedish vocals they create an incredible amount of both power and melody much alike The Templars (the track ?Kanske Ljuset? is actually a Templars cover with Swedish lyrics), Agent Bulldog or early Perkele. 

The twist is that Sabotage uses an organ/keyboard in two out of the six songs (?Blå Linjen Blues? and the earlier mentioned ?Kanske Ljuset?), which instantly puts a smile on my face while a song like ?Vid Vägens Slut? has a very melancholic vibe to it. Then again, I only know a handful of Swedish words so I might be wrong on that one. 

Something I am definitely not wrong about is that this is an amazing 12? EP. If you liked the debut 7?, you will love ?Faderskap I Gråzonen? because Sabotage really took their sound to the next level on this 12?. A must-have if you are into any of the mentioned bands in this review!

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 2024296 - Inventura 2024 CDBox#1
  • Výrobce: Pretty Shitty Town

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Čtvrtek 22. únor 2024.

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