Court Street - Borrowed Time 7" EP #14/75 handnumbered

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Výborná US kapela hrající mix Oi! a Hardcoru. EP obsahuje digitální download kartu.

English version:
Great US band with a mix of Oi! and Hardcore. Comes with digital download card.

A1 - Borrowed Time 
A2 - Lost My Respect 
B1 - Self Destruct 
B2 - Payback

(2014, Stratum Records)

Pressing Information 
225x Blue w/black splatter vinyl

Recenze Backstreet Battalion:
Court Street je americká kapela ze státu Illinois, která hraje ve ?ty??lenné sestav? s dv?ma kytarami a tohle je jejich debutové EP (pod tímto názvem, jeąt? mají digitální album Better Days pod názvem Court St. Scrappers), které vydává holandský label Stratum Records. Na EP najdete ?ty?i songy a to tiulní Borrowed Time, Lost My Respect, Self Destruct a Payback. V sou?asné dob? chystá kapela album Urban Decay (které je uľ snad elektronicky dostupné). Na vokálech se krom? bubeníka st?ídají a r?zn? dopl?ují vąichni ostatní ?lenové. Ty dv? kytary jsou skute?né slyąet, protoľe kaľdý song se hemľí drobn?jąími vyhrávkami, kde jedna kejtra dopl?uje druhou. V kaľdém ze zmín?ných song? jsou slyąet i hardcore vlivy, hlavn? teda v Lost My Respect (rytmus bicích) a v titulní Borrowed Time, která je asi nejtvrdąí z celý desky (perfektní st?ídání zp?v?). Self Destruct je prozm?nu hozená asi nejvíce do melodického streetpunku (hlavn? kytarovou vyhrávkou na za?átku). Payback je op?t ve sviľn?jąím rytmu s typickým US zvukem kytary. Zp?v je u vąech song? sekanej a jeho barva a rytmus mi p?ipomíná Joshe z Brigade 96. Celkem bylo vylisováno 300 kousk? (modrý vinyl s ?ernými fleky, 75 má potom obal d?laný technologií sítotisku) + 10 testpress?. Co se mi moc líbí, je cover desky, hlavn? teda ten nápad s p?esýpacími hodinami. Uvnit? po?ítám, ľe budou texty fotky, ale 100% to nevím. Album si poslechn?te na Na fyzickou podobu desky si jeąt? chvíli po?káme. Ale za m? parádní v?c.

Review American Oi: 
After two releases on their own, the ?Better Days? EP and the full-length ?Urban Decay?, Rockford?s Court Street finally got picked up by a label, Stratum Records, for their third release, the ?Borrowed Time? EP. All I can say is that it was about damn time! 

In my humble opinion these guys weren?t getting the attention they deserve, especially because there were some really good tracks on their debut album that was released earlier this year. But their hard work is paying off now, and just a few months after ?Urban Decay? was released they are about to drop another four brand new songs, this time on 7? vinyl. 

As said, ?Urban Decay? was a real good record, but the boys in Court St. really took it to the next level with the tracks on ?Borrowed Time?. All songs, ?Borrowed Time?, ?Lost My Respect?, ?Self Destruct? and ?Payback?, are tracks I could listen to all day long. The music and lyrics are simply amazing and easily top their best work of their full-length. Especially the song ?Self Destruct?, about slipping away in life due to drug abuse, is sublime in tempo, sound, melody, chorus, guitar solo and lyrics. Superb! 

?Borrowed Time? isn?t out yet, but you can already listen to it on the Bandcamp page of the label Stratum Records and pre-orders will follow soon. If you haven?t checked out this band yet, I highly suggest that you do, great Oi! influenced hardcore from the state of Illinois!

Review Backstreet Battalion: 
Court Street is US band from the state of Illinois, which plays in four piece line-up with two guitars and this is their debut EP (under this name, they have released digital album called Better Days under the name Court St. Scrappers) rleased by Dutch label Stratum Records. On EP you may listen to four songs called Borrowed Time, Lost My Respect, Self Destruct and Payback. The band is also preparing full album called Urban Decay (which can be bought digitally I think). On vocals are changing all members instead of drummer. Two guitars can be heard in each song in small solos where one guitar fill in the second one. In each song you may also hear HC influences ? mainly in Lost My Respect (in drums rhythm) and in title one Borrowed Time which is the hardest one from the EP (with great changing in vocals). Self Destruct is most melodic one from the EP due to the guitar solo at the beginning and the last one Payback is again in typical rhythm streetpunk with US guitar sound. Vocals sounds similar in each song and their reminds me Josh from Brigade 96. EP is limited to 300 copies (blue wax with black splatters but 75 with silkscreen cover) + 10 testpressings. I really like the cover especially the idea with the sand glass idea. Inside may be lyrics and photos but I don´t know it for sure. Check the whole album on On physical version of the EP you have to wait for some time?.but I really like it!!!

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 4S2014147
  • Výrobce: Stratum Records

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Sobota 31. srpen 2024.

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