Bad Assets - On Trial 12" LP (Bronze/ Green HALF AND HALF)

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Druhé kompletní album detroitské Oi! kapely Bad Assets nazvané "On Trial" obsahuje 12 song? a bylo vydáno ve spolupráci Crowd Control Media a Rebel Sound.

English version:
Second complete album from Detroit Oi ! band Bad Assets entitled " On Trial " contains 12 songs and was released in cooperation Crowd Control Media and Rebel Sound.


Side A:
1. Weekend Offender 
2. Broken 
3. Fuck You, I Quit 
4. On Trial ( Guest Vocals lars Ferderiksen) 
5. Yesterday's Hero 
6. P.C. Police 

Side B:
7. Return To Sender 
8. Wish You Were Here 
9. Match Day (Guest Gene NGS) 
10. Out On The Streets 
11. You´re A Prick, Not A Mick 
12. Motor City Violence (Guest Jason Navarro)

Recenze Backstreet Battalion:
Druhé plnohodnotoné album kapely z Detroitu vychází na East Grand Records (kde vyąlo i jejich split EPko) a jmenuje se On Trial. Najdete na n?m dvanáct song? a v n?kterých najdete hostující zp?váky - Lars Frederiksen (On Trial) a Jay Navarro z kapel jako Suicide Machines, Hellmouth nebo Break Anchor (v songu Motor City Violence, která pat?í k nejtvrdąím z alaba) a nutno ?íci, ľe v obou písních je to sakra slyąet. Jeąt? tam hostuje kdosi z Cycle of Violence, coľ je zp?átelená kapela. Kapela je p?ti?lenná (coľ je zm?na proti debutu Spirit of Detroit) a dv? kytary jsou v muzice Bad Assets celkem slyąet (t?eba v písních jako Yesterday Hero, Broken, On Trial, ?). Jinak je to st?ední tempo na pomezí klasického a brickwall Oi! zvuku, ale nap?íklad hlas zp?váka je p?irozený a není tam n?jaká um?lá hrubost a tvrdost. Témata song? se zobírají vále?nými veterány a jejich návratem do civilní spole?nosti (Yesterday Heroes), PC parta, která nechápe vtipy (P.C. Police), mrtvý kamarádi (Wish You Were Here), fotbalové utkání a zábava s ním spojená (Match Day), nezam?stnanost (Fuck You, I Quit), rodné m?sto které je vyko?isťené a zlomené, jak po stránce pr?myslu, tak i po stránce obytných zón (Broken) nebo víkendové zábavy (Weekend Offender). Obal CD je ve form? digipacku a je ud?lanej podle názvu alba. Zadní strana je dokonce ve form? jakéhosi ú?ednického formulá?e. O papíru s textama nic nevím, ale pokud si CD pustíte v po?íta?i, tak vám texty ská?ou do p?ehrava?e. Doufám, ľe se album chystá i jako vinyl. Dobrá práce.

Review Backstreet Battalion:
Second full album from Detroit based band is out on East Grand Records (which released also their split EP) and it is called On Trial. You may listen to twelve songs on this album and in some of them you have guest vocalists - Lars Frederiksen (On Trial) and Jay Navarro from bands such as Suicide Machines, Hellmouth or Break Anchor (in song Motor City Violence, which is one of the hardest from the album). There are also some guests from Cycle of Violence which is band also from Detroit. The band plays in five pieces (which is change compared to their debut Spirit of Detroit) and two guitars are clearly heard in their music (like in songs Yesterday Hero, Broken, On Trial, ?). They are playing middle rhythm on the border of classic and brickwall Oi! sound but the vocals are clear and natural without any fake roughness and hardness. Song topics deal with war vets and their return ton normal society (Yesterday Heroes), PC skins whose don´t understand jokes (P.C. Police), death friends (Wish You Were Here), football match and fun (Match Day), unemployment (Fuck You, I Quit), city which is ruined and broken due to defunct industry (Broken) or weekend fun (Weekend Offender). CD cover is in digipack form and graphics is done according to the album title. Backside is done as some government form. I do not know anything about paper with lyrics but when you play it in PC the lyrics appear in the record player. I hope it will be out also on vinyl. Good job.

Review American Oi:
Since 2009 Bad Assets have been bringing ?the spirit of Detroit? to your homes and local venues. With a demo, a full-length, two split EP?s and two four-way split EP?s under their belts, this Midwest Oi! machine built up a nice back-catalog of killer releases in a relatively short amount of time. Through their split EP?s with 1592 and Best Idea Ever!, Bad Assets seem to have found a new home at East Grand Record Company who are about to release the band?s brand new full-length album ?On Trial?!
On previous releases Bad Assets has always sound like how you want a band from Detroit to sound. Angry, vicious and dangerous, just like the city streets this quintet grew up in and still face until this very day. ?On Trial? isn?t any different from that, Bad Assets comes out swinging on their follow-up to 2012?s album ?The Spirit Of Detroit? leaving a trail of destruction. Definitely the band?s best work to date and the tag-team of powerful, gritty songs and a strong production is sure to knock a few of you out cold!
Tough, brick wall Oi! is the sound and rough, everyday life is the message on songs like ?Weekend Offender?, ?Broken?, ?Fuck You, I Quit?, ?Match Day? and ?Out On The Streets?. Supported through guest appearances by Lars Frederiksen (Rancid, Old Firm Casuals) on the title-track ?On Trial? and by fellow Detroiter Jason Navarro (The Suicide Machines, fuckin? loved their ?Destruction By Definition? album when it came out when I was 16!) on ?Motor City Violence?, Bad Assets? latest sure will get some extra attention.
Something that is well deserved, because these guys work hard, but play harder! If this was a real trial I'd find the defendant guilty of recording and releasing yet another brutal album and sentence them to release this on vinyl very soon! Because it?s, unfortunately, just out on CD at the moment.

Review Oi! Of America:
Story time! I worked Friday before Midwest Live & Loud 2015 and was racing to get to the show. Sad to say I walked in right at the end of my friends, Bad Assets set. This bummed me out but I live in the area and am blessed to see them and all the other very good bands stomping around the Midwest (Mostly unnoticed by the rest of the country). I see Ralph and he gives me the new Bad Assets album to review. That is really cool. So the night goes on then at about 1:00 am I am back on the road for my 40 minute drive home got to work in the morning. I put this CD on and I went from tired to fucking pumped up! ***Story time over, now on to the review***
   With a sound that nails that classic Jersey Oi! sound with Detroit attitude and just the right touches of hardcore. This album will warm the hearts of fans of Fear City, Dead Heroes The Wretched Ones, and Niblick Henbane.  The rocking intro of "Weekend Offender" fucking slays me! I hear the growth of the band right away. Strong dynamic between the guitars and bottom end that gives this song a big pair of balls.  Turn the guitar riffs up to 10 and Ralph barks pissed off lyrics of his city on the concrete stomper "Broken".  A cry to take their city back wrapped in the honest statement on one of America's great cities that has crumbled and no one seems to give a fuck. Sad if you ask me, fucking sad. 
   "On Trial" is a statement of the bands musical force and Lars guest vocals ad's texture and a nice counter punch to Ralph's raspy bark. The hardcore styled choruses give the song a kick in the balls. The song that hit me the hardest is the sad "Yesterday's Hero". Many songs of vets and the state they live in sometimes with heart breaking issues they face when they come home. For me, simple heart felt, and honest is the best way to convey this issue and the boys in Bad Assets nails this to the fucking wall. Blunt lyrics delivered with compassion. The music is steel hard and razor sharp. My hat is off to them for doing such a great job on this song. A blunt statement of corporate corruption and selling out the American working class for cheaper prices is the tale the band weaves on the sharp edged punker "Return To Sender". 
  With a thick bass intro that could suck the air out of the room, the streetwise street punker "Out On The Streets" is a fucking great example of story telling. For me it takes lyrics from the heart and what I can relate to, and three chords delivered with truth and a beat that makes my heart race faster. Yep, and that is what they deliver on this song. "Prick, Not A Mick" is my favorite song on this album. shit talking lyrics at those that pretend to be Irish because it is the "in thing". Hard nosed guitars wrap around pointed words that poke some fun but speak to a greater issue of self and culture pride.  They finish the album off with the bleak truth of the worst of Detroit living on "Motor City Violence". With a motorized sound that would make Lemmy smile, stark lyrics delivered with soul and Ralph's rasp. The guest vocals from Jason Navarro gives the song a grimy punch of punk that takes this song over the top.
  If you are looking for some poppy street punk sound, or a safe happy version of Oi! you came to the wrong album. This is hard nosed, Honest as fuck, pounding American Oi!. The band delivers the feel of Detroit in the same way Cold As Life did, with fucking heart. But more then just their City this album is a statement and testament for all the hungry bands playing in the Midwest. Pounding out for nothing more then each other. Doing this with heart and passion while the rest of the country does not even notice. You no why? Because for us it is not fashion or trend all we have is each other. We do not have bigger labels or the historical scenes of the west and east coast. All Midwest bands have is the great fans of the region. I am telling you if you do not  check out this album and the great bands of the Midwest you are doing your soul no good.  This album is not slick or thick with big studio sound. It is a little bloody, beer soaked, pounding, filled with heart, and angry as fuck. Much like the City and region it represents.

For fans of: Cycle Of Violence, Fear City, The Wretched Ones, Niblick Henbane, Dead Heroes, Broken Heroes, N/A, Cold As Life, and Death In Custody.

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  • Kód: rare145

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Pátek 29. květen 2020.

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