Badlands - World of pain 7" (bone with black haze)

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Zp?vák a kytarista Victor dal dohromady novou sestavu holandské streetrock kapely Badlands a po akustickém EP "Capital of Spirit" tady máme dvoupís?ové EP "World of pain", které je jiľ nahrané celou kapelou. Badlands brzy vydají kompletní album, které se bude jmenovat "Alexandrian Age". Jako vľdy je jejich hudba naprosto geniální!

English version:
Singer and guitarist Victor put together a new group of Dutch streetrock band Badlands and after the acoustic EP "Capital of Spirit" here we have two song EP "World of Pain", which is already recorded the whole band. Badlands soon issue a full album, which will be called "Alexandrian Age". As always, the music is absolutely brilliant!

A1: The open road
B1: Way of the world

pressing info:
50x black
100x white (USA edition)
200x deluxe silver/milky clear colour in colour
300x deluxe bone with black haze
20x testpressing on clear mint


Holandská kapela Badlands vydává po akustickém Capital of Spirit singl s názvem Wolrd of Pain, kterej obsahuje uľ dv? klasické rockové songy a je to vlastn? taková ochutnávka p?ed deskou Alexandrian Age, která má vyjít n?jak na podzim. Singl World of Pain obsahuje songy Open Road a Way of the World. Open Road, kterou najdete na stran? A obsahuje hodn? drhnutou kytaru, která je prokládána sólí?ky a do toho vąeho zpívá Viktor?v jemný hlas plus singalongový chorály zbytku kapely (mimochodem kytarista je z Martens Army). Textov? o tom, jak ?lov?k musí najít svojí cestu mezi vąemi t?mi zkorumpovanými politky a systémem, kde vąe stojí na prachách. Way of the World je hodn? podobná, akorát je zde v?tąí d?raz na zp?v, který zde st?ídá n?kolik melodií. Jinak kytarové vyhrávky zde najdete taktéľ. Song vypovídá o neveselém sv?t?, ve kterém ľijeme. EP dorazilo zatím jen digitáln?, takľe o vnit?ku Vám moc nepovím, grafika obalu odpovídá názvu desky. Badlands hrají jedine?ný styl, který je pro n? charakteristický a touto deskou to jedin? potvrdili. Je to jiné neľ p?edchozí alba, hudebn? se to hodn? posunulo, ale atmosféra a pocity, které máte p?i poslechu vąak z?stávají stejné. Jedna z top kapel sou?asnosti je zp?t a má co ?íct!

English version:
After the acoustic EP Capital od Spirit comes Dutch band Badlands with single World of Pain with two songs in classic rock line-up. This single is a taste before the normal album Alexandrian Age which will be out in autumn. Single contains two songs - Open Road and Way of the World. Open Road which you will find on the A side has trashy guitar with great solos from the second guitar plus Victor´s fine vocal and singalong from the rest of the band (by the way the second guitarist is from Martens Army). Lyrics are about the fact that man should find his way between all corrupt politicians and society which stands on money. Way of the World is quite similar but the vocal is varying in more melodies. Song is about unhappy world which we live in today. I have the Ep just in digital form so I can´t speak about the inside but the graphic of the cover is great and according to the title. Badlands are playing unique style which is characteristic for them and they prove it with this EP. It is different then previous albums and music is much more different but atmosphere and feelings which you will have during the listening are the same. One of the best band of nowadays which have something to say!

Badlands is back with full-force! Singer / guitarist Victor gathered a whole new band and is ready to shake up the scene with some of the best work the band has ever produced to date!

Side-A opens up with ?Open Road? and I must have listened to this song about a 100 times already. Through Youtube, the ?Oi! Made In Holland? volume 2 compilation and on MP3 and I just can?t get enough of it! Same goes for ?Way Of The World? on Side-B, yet another magnificent, strong and powerfull track with Victor?s amazing vocals.

This EP just cries out for a full-length album by one of Holland?s finest streetrock bands! But I have to to be patient on that one, because in september ?World Of Pain? and the 12? maxi-EP ?Alexandrium Age? will hit the shelves first. One of the best EP?s of 2013!!

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 4S2013153
  • Výrobce: Rebellion Records

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Čtvrtek 03. říjen 2013.

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