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The Barons & The Incited - Songs From The Mason-Dixon split CD

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Toto je 15. titul, který vyšel na domácím labelu 4Subculture Records. Jedná se o evropskou verzi split CD dvou US kapel The Barons a The Incited (viz recenze a rozhovory na staré verzi), jež vyšlo pro US trh na labelu Neck Records. Album se jmenuje Songs from the Mason-Dixon ? což je název pro hranici mezi Pensylvánií, Západní Virginii, Delaware a Marylandem. Z dvou posledních stát? jsou práv? tyto dv? kapely. The Barons jsou zde zastoupeny 5 písn?mi, The Incited 7. Ob? dv? kapely mají dv? kytary. Splitko otevírají The Barons?kapelu jsem p?edtím znal z n?jakých splitek a ?adovek a m?žu ?íct, že m? n?jak extra nechytla. Ovšem tady t?ch 5 song? je v cajku?kapela je šmrncnutá jižanským rockem, ale krapet jinak než t?eba Broadsiders, který to cpou do sól. The Barons spíše drží pravidelný rytmus bicích plus zp?vák?v voprsklej vokál a k tomu r´n´r kytaru (což je vid?t hlavn? u song? Flash Mob a nebo Kicked out this Bar Before). Songy jsou o pouli?ních riotech, o obchod?, kde je vše za dollar (a který m?žou chudší amíci využívat), o tom, že co se má stát se stane, ženský a protáhnutí jejich potrubí :) nebo chlastání. Až na vyjímky žádná vážn?jší témata. To The Incited ty ty témata mají pon?kud vážn?jší?jsou to ameri?tí patrioti a n?kte?í z nich sloužili t?eba ve válce v Iráku. Jejich muzika je tvrdší a singalongová, což se projeví hnedka v prvním songu Spirit of ´76, ale žádná lopatárna to rozhodn? není. Oproti jejich prvnímu albu mi tento po?in p?ijde pon?kud tvrdší, což ale není v?bec na škodu. The Incited nahráli i cover The Tradition, který je p?vodn? od Anti-Heroes. Ostatní songy se zabývají pouli?ním životem (Hooligan Life ? pro m? asi nejlepší song s parádním refrénem), o 2. sv?tové válce (29 Let´s Go), op?t rioty v ulicích (Armageddon) nebo vzpomínka na kamarády, kte?í s námi nejsou, protože zem?eli, nebo se odst?hovali (Raise your Glass?parádní akustická hospodská haleka?ka alá DKM). Booklet je v cajku - texty a celá ?ada fotek. Kapely hrají dob?e, nenudí a ?ada písní se Vám zcela jist? vryje pod k?ži a díky tomuto CD si m?žete z tepla domova ud?lat p?edstavu, jak vypadá scéna na východním pob?eží USA.

This is 15th album released on Czech label 4Subculture Records. It is European version of split CD of two US bands The Barons and The Incited (see the older reviews and interviews on old version of BB) which was originally released by Neck Records. Album is called Songs from the Mason-Dixon ? which is the name for the border between Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware and Maryland. From the last two mentioned states are these bands. The Barons has here 5 songs, The Incited 7. Both bands have two guitars. Split is opened by The Barons which I know from previous solo albums or splits and I have to say that it was not my cup of tea. But these 5 songs are really OK...band is spiced with Souther rock but in different way as The Broadsiders for example which has Southern rock solos. The Barons has regular drums rhythm plus rude voice of the singer underlined with r´n´r guitar (which you can hear mainly in songs Flash Mob or Kicked out this Bar Before). Songs are about street riots, about the dollar stores (where can poor Americans buy some stuff), about how to clean the pipes of some woman :) or booze. You can see that this is not very serious themes except some songs. The Incited has more serious lyrics...they are American patriots and some of them were in Iraq war. Their music is harder and singalong like in the first one Spirit of ´76 but they really know how to play. When I compare this to the first album this is really harder but I like it also. The Incited recorded also one cover - The Tradition from Anti-Heroes. Other songs are about streetlife (Hooligan Life ? for me the greatest song with even greater refrain), about 2nd World War (29 Let´s Go), again the riots in the streets (Armageddon) or memories to friends which aren´t here because they died or moved away (Raise your Glass?great pub singalong in DKM style) Booklet is all right with lyrics and many photos. Bands know how to play, they didn´t bore me and some songs are really hits so thanks to this you can imagine how look the scene on the East Coast of USA.
Datum přidání: 24.08.2011 napsal Peddy - Backstreet Battalion Peddy - Backstreet Battalion
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