Po debutovém albu FAVL je toto další po?in, na kterém spolupracoval labely Strength Thru Oi! Records a Skins Rules Records s italskými crew jako Tuscia Clan, Ladia Provencia Crew nebo Still Standing Army. Jedná se o splitko dvou kapel Assedio a Cruel Revenge (který mají ale za názvem RIP, takže se pravd?podobn? už rozpadli) a podle obalu bych soudil, že se bude jednat o trošku tvrdší v?ci (i když u Ital? trošku tvrdší neznamená zase ne tak moc tvrdý). Každá banda je zde zastoupena 7 songy. Assedio mají vše komplet v italštin?, Cruel Revenge mají jeden song anglicky a navíc živej cover od Agnostic Front ? Gotta Go. Assedio mají typicky italsky melodické zabarvení, ovšem to snadno st?ídá pomalejší hardcorový rytmus, který dává možnost zp?vákovi po?ádn? kázat. Cruel Revenge jsou naproti tomu jasn?jší HC sypa?ka v oldsk?lovém zvuku rychlých bicích, více halekání a taky maj proti Assedio lepší sólovou kytaru. Oproti Assedio mi ale p?ijdou jejich songy kratší. K italským text?m toho asi moc nepovim, i když si je v ?ernobílém bookletu m?žete p?e?íst. Tam mi trošku chyb?li fotky kapely, ale d?kova?ku zde najdete a v ní zp?átelené kapely jako Plakkaggio HC, Gli Ultimi, Automatica Aggregazione a mnoho dalších. Zkuste poslechnout n?kde na internetu a dejte jim šanci, t?eba se Vám to bude líbit.
After the FAVL debut album is this another pieces which is out thanks to cooperation of Strength Thru Oi! Records and Skins Rules Records with Italian crews like Tuscia Clan, Ladia Provencia Crew or Still Standing Army. It is split CD of two bands - Assedio and Cruel Revenge (which has RIP in brackets behind their name so they are probably disbanded) and due to cover I think that it will be little bit harder stuff (but little bit harder means not so much especially in Italian music). Each band has here 7 songs. Assedio has everything completely in Italian, Cruel Revenge has one song in English and also live cover from Agnostic Front ? Gotta Go. Assedio has typical Italian coloured melody with changes into slower HC rhythm which let the singer to preach the lyrics. Cruel Revenge is strict HC with fas oldschool drums, more singalong and also better solo guitar then Assedio. But I think that their part is shorter compared to Assedio. To Italian lyrics I can´t tell anything but you can read them in black and white booklet. But you can´t see any band photos there which is a pitty but thankslist is there with bands like Plakkaggio HC, Gli Ultimi, Automatica Aggregazione and many more. Try to listen them on their myspace and give´em a chance?maybe you will like it.