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Rape & Plunder - First Blood CD


First Blood je debutové album polské vikingrockové kapely, které vyšlo kde jinde než na Olifant Records. Rape and Plunder jsou ?ty??lenná kapela, ale mají dv? kytary. Celkem je na albu 10 song? (vlastn? 11, je zde bonus), z ?ehož jsou 3 v polštin?, 1 v norštin? (asi, jedná se o cover Alle Damer Er Horer od Haggis) a 6 v angli?tin?. Kapela se zcela jist? inspirovala u velikán? žánru Ultima Thule nebo ješt? spíše u Enharjarny, ale i u více folkových spolk?, jako t?eba S.O.T., které vydal taktéž Olifant. Markantní je to u songu Skinheads, který dokonce zní, jak od Bissona. Najdete tu songy týkající se p?edevším severské mytologie, ale i mytologie jiné (song Na Croma!! ? Crom je b?h Cimme?an?, ale kdo ?etl nebo alespo? vid?l Barbara Conan, tak to ur?it? ví) no a potom hlavn? chlast a zábava jak v ulicích m?sta, tak na festivalu Kuggnas, což je vid?t už z obalu, že kapela nebere sv?j styl ani sama sebe p?íliš vážn?. To, že je to spíš sranda kapela, ovšem nijak nesráží jejich hudební kvality. Nechybí zp?vné refrény, ale ani recitativy. Názvy song? jsou nap?íklad Mjöllnir Battle Song, Pukajac do Walhalli bram, For Odin nebo Brave from the North (což je pro m? spolu s Wykucie Miecza Gromu a folkov?jším Na Croma!!! asi nejlepší song z alba). Booklet standard ? texty, obrázky a d?kova?ka. Hudebn? super!

First Blood is debut album of Polish viking rock band which was released on Olifant Records. Rape and Plunder is four pieces band but they have two guitars. Album contains 10 songs (11 really ? there is one bonus), 3 of them are in Polish, 1 in Norwegian (Haggis cover Alle Damer Er Horer) and 6 in English. Band is surely inspired by giants of genre like Ultima Thule or rather more by Enharjarna but also but more into folk bands like S.O.T., which released album also through Olifant Records. This is evident by song called Skinheads which sounds like it was written directly by Bisson. Topics of the lyrics are mainly from the Norse mythology but also from different mythology (like the song Na Croma!! ? Crom is the god of Cimmerian people and who read or saw Conan the Barbarian will surely know it) and also booze and fun in the city streets or on Kuggnas festival. You may see it directly from the cover art which shows that the band didn´t take seriously the style and also themselves. But the fact that this is more funny band doesn´t deny the fact that they play great music. You will find there singalong refrains but also recitatives. The titles of the songs are Mjöllnir Battle Song, Pukajac do Walhalli bram, For Odin or Brave from the North (which is together with Wykucie Miecza Gromu and more into folk Na Croma!!! the best songs from the album) for example. Booklet is done in standard way ? lyrics,m pictures and thankslist. Great music!
Datum přidání: 14.02.2012 napsal Peddy - Backstreet Battalion Peddy - Backstreet Battalion
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