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Revilers - Revilers CD

150,00K?  50,00K?
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The Revilers jsou další z mnoha kapel z Bostonského podhoubí a toto je jejich debutové album, jehož CD verze vychází na našem domácím labelu 4Subculture Records. P?edtím ale kapela vydala split EP na Contra se špan?lskou kapelou Bulldozer. Revilers hrají ve ?ty??lenném složení a v hlavním zp?vu se to?í oba kytaristé i basák. Bubeník je dopl?uje v refrénech. Na CD najdete 13 svižnejch písní (z toho je jedna End of the Road, což je cover od Jerry Lee Lewise, z ?ehož se dá usoudit, že kapela bude mít ráda klasický rock´n´roll) ve kterých se pom?rn? vyrovnan? mísí prvky Oi!, hardcoru, rock´n´rollu, ale i klasickýho špinavýho rocku jako Motorhead. Silnou zbraní kapely jsou p?edevším rozdílné zp?vy, dále kytarová sola, která hlavn? napomáhají k dokonale kompaktnímu zvuku kapely a basová linka, která je hraná na vyšší tóny (takže to spíše dokresluje kytaru, než duní v pozadí). Hlavn? to jsou ale silné melodie. A poznáte už b?hem prvního a druhého songu Bullshit Reactor a Revision. Témata song? se v?nují nebezpe?í terorismu (Fifth Column), frustrace (Frustration), nespokojenost z prací, kde Vás šéf jen jebe za to co d?láte blb? a pochvaly za to dobré se nedo?káte (Quit my Job), o tom, jak se životní p?íb?hy lidí opakují (All Ages), atd? Textov? to nijak nevybo?uje z témat street kapel. Stopáž má asi p?l hodiny, ale ute?e to p?kn? rychle a nudit se u Revilers rozhodn? nebudete. Nejlepší songy pro m? ur?it? 1860, což je parádní singalong, Sick of Being Sick and Tired, která je ve st?edním tempu, ale je krapet tvrdší a dále pak All Ages, kde budete mít pocit ?kurva ten refrén jsem n?kde už slyšel?. Kapela skv?le zapadne mezi Bostonské kapely jako Hammer and the Nails, Tommy and the Terrors nebo Razors in the Night. Nabízí se i srovnání s The Bridgeburnes ze St. Louis. I obal alba je povedený (mám rád tyhle historické výjevy) a ke zybtku nemám moc v?cí, které bych vytknul. V bookletu jsou všechny texty, pár fotek a obsáhlá d?kova?ka. Poslechn?te kapelu na http://www.myspace.com/revilers a neváhejte s nákupem, za dv? stovky to ur?it? stojí.

The Revilers is one of many bands from Boston area and this is their debut album and the CD version of it is out on Czehc label 4Subculture Records. Before this album the band release through Contra/Longshot split EP with Spanish band Bulldozer. Revilers play in four pieces and both guitarists and bass player are changing in doing main vocals. Drummer supports them as a backing vocalist. On CD you can listen to 13 songs (one of them is End of the Road which is cover from Jerry Lee Lewis and you can recognise from this that the band will like classic rock´n´roll) which are mixture of Oi!, hardcore, rock´n´roll but also dirty rock like Motorhead. Strength of the band lies in different vocals, guitar solos which are the basis of compact sound of the band and bass line which is played on higher tunes (and it supports guitar more in that way, not in rumbling at the background). But the main thing, which they do well are strong melodies. You will recognise it during the first and second song Bullshit Reactor and Revision. Topics of the lyrics are about war with terrorism (Fifth Column), frustration (Frustration), dissatisfaction with work when the boss keep on telling you what is wrong and when you are right he didn´t tell you a word (Quit my Job), about the fact that life stories are repeating (All Ages), etc? Lyrics are in the standard level of street band. Playing time is around 30 minutes but you won´t surely get bored by the band. The songs which I like are surely 1860, with great singalong, Sick of Being Sick and Tired, which is in middle rhythm but it is harder, and then All Ages where you will have the feeling ?damned, I know this fuckin´ refrain?. The band fits well to other band from this area like Hammer and the Nails, Tommy and the Terrors or Razors in the Night. But I would also compare them to The Bridgeburners from St. Louis. Cover of the album is also well done (I like these historical illustrations) and I haven´t too much to complain on. In booklet are all lyrics, some photos and long thankslist. Check them on http://www.myspace.com/revilers and do not hesitate with buying the CD...because it worth these 8?.
Datum přidání: 21.03.2012 napsal Peddy - Backstreet Battalion Peddy - Backstreet Battalion
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