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Bakers Dozen - Nightmares in Red, White & Blue CD

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Páté album skotských Bakers Dozen, které bylo nahráno už v lét? 2011, ale vyšlo až nyní. Sestava Bakers Dozen se m?ní tém?? s každým albem, ale jádro tvo?í zp?vák Jon Scott a na basu hraje nyní Gordy, kterej hraje i v další skotský band? On File. Na albu najdete 13 vál? v typickém stylu Bakers Dozen, za který m?že asi Jon, protože jinak nevím, jak jinak by si p?i takových obm?nách v sestav? mohla kapela sv?j zvuk zachovat. To samé se týká text?, které se neustále opírají do prohnilého soudního systému Británie, kde prává kdejaký špíny jsou více než práva Vaše (Nightmares in RWB nebo Carstairs 76, což je jméno m?sta a rok, kdy se tam n?jací chovanci pokoušeli dostat z blázince a zabili p?i tom n?kolik lidí, co h??e, nyní jsou na svobod? mezi normálními lidmi a nebo The Sentence of Death, kde se kapela dovolává absolutního trestu), ?eší každodenní násilí na ulicích, kde se každý z nás (Vás) m?že stát cílem (Sitting Target), záležitosti p?im??ené obrany a braní zákona do vlastních rukou (Ask Questions Later), boj s terorismem (The Final Option), ale i sociální témata (The Fury) nebo klasické lži politik? (Nothing Like the Truth). Od vydání prvního ?adového alba Divided from the Masses uplynulo 11 let a kapela si stále drží sv?j zab?hnutý styl, který ale neomrzí, protože má všechny kvalitní atributy pouli?ní muziky ? rychlejší melodická, ale tvrdá kytara s n?jakým tím sólem a Jon?v hlas který to valí dop?edu a p?edevším texty, se kterými se ztotožníte. Album je p?kn? vyvážené a skv?le zapadne k dalším v?cem, co doma od Bakers Dozen máte. Samoz?ejmostí je booklet s texty a fotkami. CD vyšlo i v limitované digipack verzi. Album Vás nep?ekvapí, ale poctivá práce je to po?ád, takže pokud máte Dozen rádi, tak neváhejte.

Fifth album from Scottish band Bakers Dozen which was recorded in summer 2011 but it was released now. The line-up of Bakers Dozen is changing on almost every album. It is based on singer Jon Scott and this time they have bass player Gordy who may be known to you from On File band. On album you will find 13 songs in typical style of Dozen so I think that Jon composed some songs because I don´t really know how they could keep their sound during too many line-up changes. The same goes with the lyrics which are still attacking rotten system of British justice, where criminals have more rights then you (Nightmares in RWB or Carstairs 76, which is place and year of some violent escape from asylum where some people were killed and nowadays the offenders are free or The Sentence of Death about the need of maximum penalty), violence on the streets where everyone can become a target (Sitting Target), adequate defense and taking the law into your hands (Ask Questions Later), war with terrorism (The Final Option) but also social lyrics (The Fury) or classic politicians lies (Nothing Like the Truth). From the release date of their first album Divided from the Masses came 11 years but the band still keeps on playing their style which has all attributes of good street music ? faster but melodic and hard guitar with solos and Jon´s vocal which goes straight ahead and lyrics which you can align with. Album is well balanced and it fits well to other Bakers Dozen stuff which you have at home. Booklet is well done with all lyrics and photos. CD was released also in limited digipack version. Album didn´t surprise you but it gives you good piece of solid Oi! style so if you like Bakers Dozen you should have this at home.
Datum přidání: 11.04.2012 napsal Peddy - Backstreet Battalion Peddy - Backstreet Battalion
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