Ochutnávkový singl od protinožc? Marching Orders p?ed plnohodnotným albem obsahuje dv? skladby a to jejich Songs of Yesterday na stran? A a Mods Skins Punks na stran? B, což je ovšem cover od The Professionals, což byla kapela Steve Jonese a Paula Cooka po rozpadu Pistolí. EPek vyšlo celkem 1000 kousk? a moje verze je na bílém vinylu (s ?ernobílým st?edem, takže v duchu staré školy). Marching Orders hrají melancholickou muziku s texty, které Vás chytnou za srdce a je z nich cítit nostalgie, cit pro hudbu, ale hlavn? up?ímnost a p?ímo?arost v tom, o ?em zpívají. A p?esn? taková je jejich píse? Songs of Yesterday. Vypráví o tom, jak si ?lov?k pamatuje staré songy, které kdysi slýchával a umí je zpam?ti a o písních, které se pro n?j staly hymnou. Druhý song na desce sedí k prvnímu jak prdel na hrnec a skv?le podtrhává fakt, jak Marching Orders zní, protože pokud byste nev?d?li, že je to cover, tak byste ho s klidným sv?domím za?adili do jejich tvorby. K vinylu není žádný papír s texty, což je škoda, protože ne vše se dá odposlechnout, i když Al nezpívá nijak zast?en? nebo nesrozumiteln?, ale p?eci jen text na papí?e je text na papí?e. Obal tvo?í tematická fotka, která pochází z knížky ?Skins? od Gavina Watsona. Jako ochutnávka p?ed novým albem je to naprosto dosta?ující a já se už nem?žu do?kat, až to vyjde
This is a tasting single from Marching Orders before their new full length album which contains two songs ? their Songs of Yesterday on side A and Mods Skins Punks on B side which is cover from The Professionals, the band of Steve Jonese and Paula Cook after the broke up of Sex Pistols. EP was released in 1000 copies and my version is on white vinyl (with black and white middle in oldschool spirit). Marching Orders are playing melancholic music with lyrics which catch your heart and with you can feel nostalgia and sincerity from them. And in this spirit is their first piece called Songs of Yesterday. It is about the fact how man remembers old songs which he used to hear and he knows every word and these songs becomes an anthems for him. Second songs fits very well to the first one and if you didn´t know that it is a cover, you will surely say that it is from Marching Orders because it really sounds like their songs. There is no paper with lyrics to the vinyl which is pitty because not every word you can hear although Al is singing very clearly, but lyrics on paper are lyrics on paper. Cover is taken from Gavin Watson´s book ?Skins?. As a taste before the new album is this absolutely brilliant and I can´t wait to hear the whole album!