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Bronco Army - Young Warriors 7"EP (Black)

140,00K?  100,00K?
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Jako ochutnávku p?ed nový albem You Know Who We Are vydali brazilští Bronco Army EP s názvem Young Warriors na holandském labelu Stratum Records (pro n?ž to byl debutový po?in). EP obsahuje celkem 4 songy a to Young Warriors a Are You with Us? na stran? A a Anthems of the Streets a The Shape of Things to Come na stran? B. První t?i zmín?né songy jsou jejich a najdete je i na albu (na které p?ijde recenze pozd?ji). Poslední v?c je dong, který proslavili Slade, ale je p?vodn? z filmu Wild in the Streets z roku 1968. Bronco Army hrají ve t?í?lenné sestav? a jak už jsem tu kdysi možná psal, na bicí jim hraje dívka. První song je pomalejší v?c v jednoduším rytmu s neboosterovanou kytarou a celkov? p?sobí hodn? temn? a je o hrdosti a o tom, jak se stane, že se ?lov?k z normálního civila stane skinheadem. V refrénu uslyšíte i dív?í vokál. Druhá v?c je v podobném duchu a textov? je o tom, že když už jdete do toho být skinheadem, tak byste se m?li kurva snažit, a d?lat v?ci naplno a ne jen o nich kecat. Trojka je o popíjení na ulicích a poslouchání oblíbené muziky. Vinyl vyšel ve t?ech barevných kombinacích (300 kousk? celkem) a v rozkládacím obalu najdete ?adu fotek a všechny texty (i na ten cover) a jako ochutnávka p?ed albem je to OK i když by to m?lo být asi hlášeno jako singl. Pokud to neseženete, nezoufejte, na albu najdete všechny jejich songy z tohoto EP.

As a taste before the new album called You Know Who We Are Bronco Army from Brazil released EP called Young Warriors on Dutch label Stratum Records (debut release for this label). EP contains 4 songs - Young Warriors and Are You with Us? on side A and Anthems of the Streets and The Shape of Things to Come on B side. First three songs are also on the album (which will be reviewed later). Last song is a song which was covered by Slade but it was a song from the movie called Wild in the Streets from 1968. Bronco Army plays in three and as I wrote before in previous reviews they have girl on drums. First song is slower one with non-boostered guitar and dark feeling and it is about pride and how happened, that man becomes skinhead. In refrain you will hear also female vocal. Second one is about the fact that when you are skinhead you should really take it seriously and not just talking bullshit. Third song is about drinking on the streets and listening to favorite bands. Vinyl was done in three color versions (300 copies) with gatefold cover including many photos and lyrics (also on the cover) and as a taste before the full length album it is well done but I think that it should be announced as a single. If you miss it and you didn´t buy it, buy the full length because on it you will find all their songs from this EP.
Datum přidání: 12.02.2013 napsal Peddy - Backstreet Battalion Peddy - Backstreet Battalion
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