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Shock Waves - Night of the music LP (Blue)

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Shock Waves ze ©pan?lska vydávají po d?íve recenzovaném singlu plnohodnotné album s názvem Night of Music op?t na Spirit of the Streets a krom? songu Proud of Your Past tu najdete celé EP (songy Another Girl a Working Class Heroes). Celkem je tu 12 song? v angli?tin? nahraných v klasické ?ty??lenné sestav?. Jak uľ jsem psal v recenzi na EP, Shock Waves nehrají ľádnej nát?r, ba naopak jejich hudba je uhlazená, zp?vák?v hlas jemný a hodn? to ur?it? p?ipomíná Badlands, Evil Conduct (hlavn? drhnuté konce kytarocvých riff?) nebo Vanilla Muffins. Texty se to?í p?edevąím okolo tématu pracující t?ídy a doľivotnímu úd?lu být její sou?ástí (Until I Die, Working Class Heroes, One Step Beyond), prachatých kids (I Don´t Want), politici a jejich mamon (Nobody Says Can Hear), láska k muzice (Night of Music) a speciáln? k Oi! ľánru (For met he Oi!) nebo t?eba rioty v ulicích (All Ready for Action). I kdyľ kapela hraje ve ?ty?ech, tak kytarista sv?j nástroj ur?it? ovládá (viz t?eba solo v One Step Beyond, Night of Music nebo I Don´t Want). Mn? se nejvíce líbil titulní song Night of Music a dále Fucking Hope nebo rychlejąí All Ready for Action. Jinak deska je limitována 250 kousky v modré barv?, uvnit? je obal, na kterém jsou texty, krátká historie kapely a její logo, plus popis alba. ®ádnou fotku tam borci nenacpali. Tohle ocení hlavn? p?íznivci ne moc tvrdých kapel.

Shock Waves comes from Spain and this is their full length called Night of Music which comes after their EP again on Spirit of the Streets and instead their song Proud of Your Past you may find other songs from EP on this LP (Another Girl and Working Class Heroes). Together you may listen to 12 songs in English recorded in classic four piece line up. As I wrote in the review on their EP their music is not hard, the vocal of the singer is soft and it is quite similar to Badlands, Evil Conduct (guitar riffs at the end of the strophe) or Vanilla Muffins. Lyrics are about working class and the fact that you should be part of it till the end of your life (Until I Die, Working Class Heroes, One Step Beyond), rich kids (I Don´t Want), politicians and their greed (Nobody Says Can Hear), love to music (Night of Music) especially to the Oi! genre (For met he Oi!) or street riots (All Ready for Action). Even if they are playing in four the guitarist really know how to play (like solos in One Step Beyond, Night of Music or I Don´t Want). I really like songs like Night of Music, Fucking Hope or faster one All Ready for Action. LP is limited to 250 copies on blue wax, inside is cover with lyrics, short band story, logo and description of the album. But no photo. This is for the fans of not so hard and heavy bands.
Datum přidání: 24.06.2014 napsal Peddy - Backstreet Battalion Peddy - Backstreet Battalion
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