V po?adí ?tvrté album belgické celtic punkové bandy vychází op?t na 4Subculture Records a tentokráte nese název Scotland in our Hearts. Na albu najdete dvanáct song?, z ?ehoľ je jedna instrumentálka (The Hero), jedno je skotská lidovka (Go Lassie Go) a jedna s francouzským textem (We Are the Clan). Zbytek je v angli?tin?. TBTC hrajou v ąesti (klasická sestava plus banjo a dudy) a line up je stejný jako na p?edchozím albu Don´t Walk Alone. V songu The Artist zazní i tahací harmonika. Muzika TBTC se moc nem?ní, melodickej sviľnej punk rock, který vás zaru?en? rozpohybuje. Na tomhle albu mi ale p?ijde, ľe je více písní s váľn?jąími tématy. T?eba hnedka první Piper Bill, coľ je vzpomínka na skotského vojáka Billa Millina, který hrál na dudy p?i vylod?ní v Normandii, The Factory o marn?ní ľivota ve fabrice nebo historickou Ye Jacobites by Name. Jinak samoz?ejm? nechyb?j srandovní songy o zábav? (Belgian and Drunk, Until I´m Drunk Enough s akustickým za?átkem), koncertování (Friends Until the End, coľ je asi nejpoveden?jąí song z desky) nebo o tom, jak najdete ?ervi ve svém haggis (Maggots in my Haggis). Jinak grafika bookletu je zatím nejlepąí ze vąech ?ty? CD, které vydali, takľe parádní titulní obrázek, texty, tématický obrázky za nimi, fotky kapely. V?c, která nevybo?uje z hudebních standard? TBTC.
Fourth album of this Belgian celtic punk band is out now again on 4Subculture Records and it is called Scotland in our Hearts. On album you may listen to twelve songs including one instrumental (The Hero), one Scottish traditional (Go Lassie Go) and one has French lyrics (We Are the Clan). The rest is in English. TBTC are playing in six piece line up (classic line up plus banjo and bagpipes) and it is similar as the line up on previous album Don´t Walk Alone. In song The Artist you may hear also accordion. Music of TBTC doesn´t change too much ? it is fresh punk rock which makes you move for sure. On this album there are some songs with more serious topics like the first one Piper Bill which is tribute to Bill Millin who played bagpipes during the Normandy campaign, The Factory about the wasting life in hard work or the historical one called Ye Jacobites by Name. There are also songs about fun like Belgian and Drunk or Until I´m Drunk Enough with acoustic start, playing gigs (Friends until the End which is the best song from the CD) or about how you find maggots in your food (Maggots in my Haggis). Graphics of the album is the best compared to their other CD´s ? great cover, lyrics with pictures in the background and many band photos. This album is really in the musical standard of TBTC.